Learn about Carbon Monoxide (CO)

The more you know, the better you can practice CO safety. Ensure you (and your family) don't become victims of this toxic gas.

Most people have heard of Carbon Monoxide (CO) and know that it’s dangerous

But it's often a mystery of where it comes from, how it's produced, its physical symptoms, and what precautions can be taken to ensure it doesn't endanger you. Or worse, kill you.

The more you know:

Carbon monoxide (CO) = The Silent Killer. 

Can't see it. Can't touch it. Can't smell it.

What is CO?

CO is the leading cause of accidental poisoning death in North America.

This odourless gas is produced as a byproduct of combustion when common fuel-burning appliances and equipment that use natural gas, oil, wood, propane and kerosene, don’t get enough air to burn up completely. 

When this happens, CO can build up, especially in a confined room or space – and this can lead to toxic effects on humans and pets.

Know the facts about this silent killer: